Word 2013 Crashes When Trying to Make a Citation

Hello everyone! My bugreport ID is 728763666.

I used Zotero for quite some time while I was running Windows 7 and Office 2007 with no problems at all.

However, several days ago I upgraded my system to Windows 8 with legal copy of MS Word 2013 installed. For two days everything seemed to run smoothly, but no longer than ten minutes ago Word quite unexpectedly started a series of repeated crashes, that occured evet time I tried to add a new citation for the file I was working with (it already contains some 25 Zotero citations made on this configuration).

UPDATE: The problem seems to be location-specific, as Word tolerates citation placement in certain places, and does not (responding with that crash) in other. I am not yet able to determine any logical pattern though. Also, I discovered that not only new citations but editing existing cause that crash to occur. ID for those "experiments" is 550362846.

I would very much appreciate any help.

Thanks in advance!

  • are any of those in captions? That's a known issue, Zotero won't (or at least shouldn't) let you even insert citation there.
  • edited September 5, 2013
    adamsmith, thank you for you response. No, unfortunately that does not seem to be the case.

    Funny enough, I was able to track this problem to an individual page, as I have tried incerting citation in all others with no apparent problems.

    Yet I cannot tell what is so special about that particular one in terms of formatting, style or anything. As of now I am at a loss =)

    UPDATE: Apologies, I've rushed to conclusions: it is NOT actually limited to one individual page, but rather has stochastic sites of occurrence throughout the document. Mea culpa.

  • Have you installed all available updates to Word?
  • Simon, thank you, but Word 2013 updates automatically as it states explicitly. So I assume that means "yes" to your question =)

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