NeoOffice 2013

Installation of Zotero Extension in NeoOffice 2013 failed using both automatic and manual. Restarted NeoOffice; same problem. Restarted Zotero; same problem. Restarted Mac; same problem. During manual installation, extensions manager on NeoOffice throws error message indicating it requires external software that is a known security risk.
  • While some parts of our documentation have not yet been updated, we no longer support NeoOffice. NeoOffice 2013 isn't free and doesn't support Java or Python-based extensions.
  • But you do support Word which is also not free.

    Thank you.
  • The non-Appstore version of Neo (v3.3 patch 9) seems to work fine with Zotero on my set-up. Sorry to hear that Zotero doesn't intend to support it any longer.
  • If I understand Simon correctly, it's rather that NeoOffice doesn't support Zotero any longer. If you have a small-ish niche product and you drop support for the extensions that work in your big-brother (i.e. AOO and LO) software, you can't really expect developers to run circles to support your product.
  • Yeah, the big issue is that the version of NeoOffice in the App Store doesn't support Java, which means that our current extension would need to be completely rewritten to work at all. This isn't really their fault, since it's driven by App Store restrictions, but I'm not going to write a plugin specifically for NeoOffice (although someone else is of course welcome to).

    That NeoOffice isn't free discourages me from spending my time to make it work with Zotero, but even if it were free there aren't enough users for it to be worth writing a new plugin. We have a Word plugin even though Word isn't free, but given that Word has >90% of the word processor market, we pretty much have to.
  • Based on this issue, I downloaded Apache OO 4.0.0 and the installation process claims success, however the toolbar does not appear, nor does it appear as an option in the View-Toolbars. The plug-in appears in OO, and I have deleted and reinstalled ... after testing it with a few restarts.

    Zotero works great standalone, and integrated flawlessly with Safari 6.0.5, and I have used it with multiple databases now to fill up my library. If I can resolve the issue with OO I will be passing this along to the entire incoming class at my Seminary. Zotero and Endnote were the two products recommended to us today in Orientation for citation management, but no one on staff present was familiar with Zotero.
    there were some issues when AOO upgraded to 4.0, hence the current lack of support on Standalone, but that should happen relatively soon-ish.

    @Simon - couldn't standalone users manually install the 3.5.8 version of the plugin, though?
  • @Simon - thanks for explaining the issue with the App store version of NeoOffice. Completly plausible. I would be surprised if the developers didn't leave the non App store version as is, with Java and Python enabled and thus functional with Zotero and some other popular extensions. The software offers (at moderate cost) a number of functions that neither of the other Office suites does. Users just need to get the unclipped version from the Developer's page.
  • You could install the 3.5.8 plugin in Standalone, but I don't necessarily recommend it because it won't automatically update. If you forget to uninstall it after the next version of Zotero Standalone is available, everything will break and no one will know why. Instead, if you have Standalone 4.0.11 and want to use Apache OpenOffice, I'd recommend you install the oxt from 3.5.8 and install that manually in Apache OpenOffice. (This isn't guaranteed to work generally, but it should work for this release.)
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