prob in referencing style
Hi, when I'm inserting two references side by side, its coming as [1],[2] , instead of [1,2] , or as [1],[2],[3] , instead of [1-3]. Can't change it editing the citation . please help. Thanks in advance.
If that's not the problem, which style?
Which style do I choose to get [1,2] ?
I went to the repository to download Vancouver Bracket style , it got downloaded as .csl file. However upon double clicking it , it's not running. I don't see this style in 'set docs pref'. What to do ? Sorry for bothering.
'ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"LScZ3yMv","properties":{"formattedCitation":"[42,43]","plainCitation":"[42,43]"},"citationItems":[{"id":"IKrIYzmT/rpwcKiy1","uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":"IKrIYzmT/rpwcKiy1","type":"webpage","title":'
You can try pressing alt+F9, but that's unlikely to help in this case.