Request for correction of Energy Policy style
In the current style for Energy Policy, for a journal paper the style outputs the volume but not the issue. This can easily be fixed by inserting
<text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
after line 182 which currently reads
<text variable="volume"/>
<text variable="issue" prefix="(" suffix=")"/>
after line 182 which currently reads
<text variable="volume"/>
in the last published issue of the journal you do have issue number and full journal titles. Do you have any insight on this? Elsevier is supposedly shifting its journals to one of five citation styles, so this may be in the process of changing?
You are right, there are discrepancies between the authors guide and the published articles.
I just completed submission of an article and the editor did not modify the journal name not abbreviated and included issue number while he did modify capitalization of the article titles (for article title, only first character of first word capitalized, for other reference types, first character capitalized in all words), that means he did have a look at the references list.
From this I conclude that this is what they want now, and that the authors guide is partially outdated.
"... I wish to confirm that I have now forwarded your concern to the Editorial Office who is best positioned to clarify on this matter. ..."
I guess that the final reply could take some more days.