Windows 8 - reader in desktop?

Unfortunately I have Windows 8 in my computer and the Zotero reader seems to only operate in the full application mode (I think it is called start). This is very annoying and time consuming as switching between application windows in this mode does not work very well.

Is it possible to have the Zotero reader for the standalone version in desktop mode?

  • Does your question refer to Zotero Reader (, or something else? If so, you can probably contact the developer for support. I do not know if they read these forums frequently.
  • No that is on a browser, I mean the reader that comes automatically with Zotero Standalone. Every PDF I open now opens on what seems a Zotero reader.

    The problem is that it is not open in a window from which you can see other applications or your desktop, but it is in full-screen-Windows-8 mode: it swipes in and out for no reason. I am wasting around 10 minutes of each hour through uncontrolled swiping and I cannot work like that. Plus I really don't want the full Windows 8 application mode, I just want an old school window that you can minimize and maximize.

    Is that possible?
  • Zotero Standalone does not have a PDF reader, but uses external software for reading PDFs. What you see may be the default reader in Windows 8. (

    You can configure a different PDF reader as a the Windows default.
  • Thank you, problem solved!
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