Saved search: item with more than tag

Hello! I've tried to search for something related but i couldn't.
The question is the following: how can i find all the items that have only 1 tag attached? (or, equivalently, all the items that have more than 1 tag attached)
  • If you're asking for a way to, basically search for the number of tags, that's not possible. Obviously you can search for the presence of a specific tag, but that's not what you mean, is it?
  • Yes, exactly - i want a search for the number of tags. I have a search that says if an item has no tags at all but now i need more complicated thing :)
    Thank you for so rapid answer!
  • AlexMak, how are you looking for items that do not have tags?
  • Create a saved search with these parameters : Tag -- does not contain -- %
  • Great! Many thanks!
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