Note taking

Hi there,

Love Zotero. I've just discovered the biblio software I cannot live without. Great, great, great. But...

When I take significant e-notes, I like to annotate them in order to make them easier to scan - usually with bullets, as this lets me organize them hierarchically. Unfortunately, the Zotero note window only allows plain text input (although it will accept rich text if cut'n'pasted). Some annotation options would be a real bonus.

To take it a step further (in the innovatory spirit of Zotero) I wonder if there is some way to (I know there is some tech-savvy term for this but it escapes me) extend the database indexing into any notes you do take. Most obviously, this might be a page number annotation or some such that shows up in the middle window tree, and could be independently tagged, etc. Sounds cool to me...

One other thing. It would be great to have a one-click option to open Zotero full screen. Maybe a configurable mouse click?

All in all, thanks to the developers, and keep it up.
  • Rich text has been discussed many times. Markdown or another lightweight markup language can be used now.

    and several others...

    Notes are already indexed and taggable. Do you mean annotations?

    Others have asked for some full-window modifications. It retains memory of window size, so you can ALWAYS have it take up a lot of space on opening. Once opened, it is just a single click (or a hot key) to switch to full screen.
  • Ah. Yes. My apologies for not looking deeper on the rich text. Not much of that made sense to me, however, but my impression was that it was more to do with presentation rather than the actual process of note taking. I might just say that I would like to be able to order my notes conceptually as I take them, and obviously with a minimum of distraction.

    So yes, beyond rich text, I did mean indexed and taggable annotations as a means to do this. Thus, if you were to come upon something bearing on a particular concept beyond the general tags for the whole note, you would be able to apply a more specific tag to that particular section. One could then retain the overall flow and coherence of note-taking, but be able to zero in on specific sections based on their particular relevance.

    As far as full-screen: copy you on all that, but I'm just suggesting it would be cooler if you could, for example, double-click on the Zotero status bar to get it to open full screen.
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