Lost of the data after upgrading to a new version: 4.0.8

Ref.Error ID: 410803879

A week ago, a pop-up of the Zotero Standalone's new version 4.0.8 appeared to my Zotero window. I downloaded it right away and as a consequence I have lost all the summary notes (on the right-hand side, as a summary window to the filed documents)- those with copy & paste charts/graphs; those of no copy & paste pieces are still available. What should I do to have those summary notes back?
  • You're probably running into this.

    Basically, there's a bug in 4.0 that causes notes to be blanked out if you had pasted images into them, but pasting images into notes has never been something that was supposed to work. If you want to store images in Zotero, for now you'll need to attach those images to items in the middle pane, not paste them into notes.

    (Technically you could try reverting to Zotero 3.0.14 by modifying the download URL and switching to a automatic backup of your database, but assuming you have the original images somewhere else, having those notes back wouldn't help much. Zotero 3.0 won't work forever, and Zotero notes aren't currently supposed to have embedded images in them, so you're likely to run into other problems.)
  • Oh, actually, if this was a week ago the last automatic backup wouldn't help you anyway. You'd need an earlier backup that you (hopefully) made yourself. But again, that'd only be a partial and dead-end solution.
  • I've been having a related problem. When I click on one note to view and then another, the content from the first note suddenly appear in the note window of the second note and erases what was originally there. This is very frustrating and means the loss of data.
  • adamsmith: Same issue, actually. I linked to that thread above as well.

    Closing this one, since it's a dupe.
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