advanced attachment renaming: ZotFile alternative

I wrote a simple hack "ZotFile Alternative" which extends the original Zotero Firefox plugin functionality on renaming attachments by adding the following additional wildcards (I used the same naming conventions as well-known plugin ZotFile which does essentially the same job):

%a - last names of authors (not editors etc) or inventors (up to 5).
%A - first letter of author (useful for subfolders)
%y - year (extracted from Date field)
%t - title. The maximal length of the remaining part of the title is 100 characters.
%T - item type (localized)
%j - name of the journal
%p - name of the publisher
%w - name of the journal or publisher
%s - journal abbreviation
%v - journal volume
%e - journal issue
%f - pages or the first page

The main differences from ZotFile:
1) ZotFile alternative itself is not plugin but hack (modification of the core Zotero Firefox plugin code) which alters the functionality of standard menu item "Rename File from Parent Metadata".
2) ZotFile alternative includes additional wildcard for specifying article pages.
3) ZotFile bug of omitting the characters in formatting string which participate in wildcards is fixed.

I wrote ZotFile alternative just for the personal use mainly because ZotFile does not allow to specify pages in the filenames. Though, I would be happy if anyone else will find it useful. You can download ZotFile alternative here:

Zip archive includes readme file with instructions and simple installer for Windows users.
WARNING: Everything was tested only on Windows XP/32. Try at your own risk. )))
  • I really like the idea of adding the %f wildcard. But I have not tried your hack yet...
  • We'd be happy for a patch that extended the built-in functionality. If you're interested in getting this into Zotero itself, submit a pull request on GitHub.
  • ZotFile's next version (2.3) adds two additional wild-cards for author initials (%I) and pages (%f), amongst other changes...
  • Wow. Excellent! Really a major step forward. This solves a lot of naming problems for me. Thanks for a job well done!
  • Further to my previous posting, I would like to suggest the following changes:

    1. Add a "ZotFile" submenu in the menu that pops up when an item in the Zotero item pane is right-clicked. This submenu should contain the "Attach New File" and "Manage Attachments" buttons/links (and possible forthcoming new ones...). Look at how "Zutilo" does this.

    2. In the "Renaming Rules" of the "Zotfile Preferences" only "Patents" has its own format. I would very much like to have specific formats for "Journal Article", "Conference Paper", "Book" and "Book Section". By the way, there is a typo in the current heading "Format for all item types...": The word "expect" should be replaced by "except".

    3. In order to implement what I describe in 2. above, one would need a new wildcard for editor(s): "%E", say.

    Thanks once again for "ZotFile"!

    PS. When can we expect v. 2.3 to become available?
  • @bothide: To be clear, I'm _not_ the ZotFile developer (Joscha). Please post these suggestions in the ZotFile thread.
    You can download and test the beta here (should be fairly stable). I think it will be released quickly.
  • I should have known better :-) I have posted something similar in the ZotFile thread, hoping it's OK to do so...
  • Could someone be kind enough to tell me (before I try it out) what the %I option does? If the author's name is John A Doe, does %I yield JAD or just JA? If former, is there a way to get only JA? Thanks!
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