ASCO abstracts

Is anyone working on how to rip ASCO meeting abstracts out?

I'm only recently using zotero (I was a die-hard endnote user since it was steam driven) and don't know how generally useful this would be, but considering not only the time lag between meeting abstracts and papers, but also the content cut-off (not everything makes it into a full-blown paper), this could be a real boon.

Much obliged,
cd walentas
  • well, your post is a couple years old now, but I'm trying to get something going on this. Did you have any luck? You seemed to indicated that this was possible with EndNote. Is there a way to directly import citation information from JCO or for ASCO abstracts in EndNote? It doesn't seem to me like those sites use metadata for the fields. I contacted the webmaster there- we'll see if I hear back.
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