Organization of imported PDFs


I am new to Zotero. Is there a way to organize where on my computer it stores the PDFs that it downloads? For instance, if I already have a folder for all my downloaded articles on a topic, can I get Zotero to save them there so that they're all together?

Thank you.
  • depends. You an use Zotfile to move your PDFs wherever you want:

    But those PDFs will be linked, not stored in Zotero. The main difference is that they will _not_ sync with Zotero file storage or WebDAV file syncing (it'll also be a bit more hassle to move them to a different computer, but nothing prohibitive).

    The alternative is to let Zotero store the documents internally and then just create a saved search/virtual folder that shows all PDFs in the Zotero storage folder. That would be a separate folder from your current PDFs, but they'd all be in one place.
  • Also you should consider whether you want to do that in the long run. Storing the files in Zotero will automate the management of the files resulting in less work for you.
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