Create my own citation profile


I'm recently using the zotero software for produce citations lists. However, I have some doubts.

I would like to know if it is possible create my own citation format. Is it possible?

I´m asking that because I´m a master student and the rules for citations in my thesis says that any citation needs to have all authors and before the last name I have to put the "&" symbol.

I ‘had check all the citation profiles and no one had these characteristics.

So, it's important for me to understand how can I create my own citation profile.

Someone could help-me?

João D Santos (Portugal)
  • yes:
  • Thanks,

    I already choose a style that incert all of authors name. However I don´t know how can I programe this style for adding the symbol "&" before the last outhor name.
    My chosing style was "American Medical Association (no "et al.")"

    Could you help-me?
  • there is a setting for "and" that you can set to and="text", and="symbol" or leave out entirely. You want to use and="symbol"
  • ok, in the text the topic that I had seen was:

    <name form="short" and="symbol" delimiter=", " initialize-with="."/>

    I already change "synbol" for "&" but I suppose that this is rong because after this change when I iniciate the Zotero occur an error.

    So, my question is how/where can I select/incert the symbol that I need?
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