
To all Zotero users, I have an issue that I need to be resolved. I have used this program in word but have changed the citations in the doc and now cant find which ref it relates to, as I have many from same author and have updated parent files which I cant figure out how to just "replace with parent item" HELPPP!!!

how do I
a: find my ref in my bib,
b. replace with parent value?
  • First, of all, you should use a descriptive title instead of "HELP".

    What do you mean by "have changed the citations in the doc"? If you use the word plugin, the fields that it creates will be automatically and permanently linked to citation items. What do you mean by "parent file"?

    I am sure that this can be sorted out, but more information from you is needed.
  • @boombat13: As @mronkko says, we need a more complete description in order to HELP.

    Taking a guess, it sounds like you may have made changes to items in the Zotero database after inserting citations into your document? In that case, just click the Zotero "Refresh" button in the word processor (the one with two circling arrows).
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