Google Books

I've been receiving an error when I attempt to add items from google books and google scholar in the last few hours. Is there a chance they have updated their sites so that the current translator does not work? thanks
  • I tried both Books and Scholar, and both downloaded citations with no trouble for me--so I don't think it's Google.
  • Thanks. I upgraded to 1.0.4 and that is when the problems began. I switched back to 1.0.3 and can download both google books and scholar with no problem. In 1.0.4 I get a popup telling me there is a problem with the site translator.
  • Please try what I suggest here.
  • Just a question from a novice about Google Books and Google Scholar -- does Zotero not load the links to full text books and articles retrieved by GB and GS?

    I saved a bunch of Google books in "my library" and then successfully imported them into Zotero. The citation info came through OK, but no links. Same with articles captured from Google Scholar.
  • Unfortunately google books does very strange things with the URL of each entry, especially from a search results page. That's probably why that feature was left out on those particular websites.
  • Thanks for the response -- I was afraid I'd missed something.

    I found I could insert the URLs after the fact (up to 100 at a time) by loading the GB search results page into Excel and sorting to isolate the item ID lines. I turn the IDs into refer/bibix URLs by adding "%U". Then I use Excel to insert the URLs into a refer/bibix file exported from Zotero and reimport the modified file. The exported Zotero file has to be sorted by "Date Added" to match the order of the GB search results.

    One odd thing -- when I export the Google book records from Zotero as refer/bibix, the "Short title" field disappears. Not a big loss for me.
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