JAHRBUCH database unread


please try http://jfm.sub.uni-goettingen.de/JFM/
any author, any format... Zotero doesn't see anything...


  • « Whether or not Zotero can recognize bibliographic information on a web page depends on the web page. Some websites use a standard way to provide Zotero with data (via embedded metadata). For other sites, Zotero relies on website-specific translators. » (http://www.zotero.org/support/getting_stuff_into_your_library#web_translators)

    Someone has to write a translator to make this database "compatible" with zotero.
  • ok , can I write a translator?
    How come Z is not able to look for obvious fields like au TI etc????
    is one major database!

  • http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/translators/coding

    but you seem to think this is more trivial than it is. Zotero doesn't just look for "AU" on every webpage... that'd be a disaster.
  • I started looking into this. AFAICT, the only structured data is the TeX export. I'm thinking that we can probably transform this into proper BibTeX and then use that translator to import the record. Any better ideas?
  • that seems the most promising way forward to me, yes.
  • Perhaps the proprietors of the site would be interested in making BibTeX export themselves? It seems like the sort of site that should be eager to add such features.
  • Turns out there was a way to get pure BibTeX for each record.

    The translator for Jahrbuch is now up. You can wait for it to be downloaded automatically within 24 hours or update manually via Preferences... -> General -> Update Now

    Let us know if something isn't working.

    A few known issues:
    • Entries that have both volume and issue do not have either in the BibTeX export. This is not a Zotero limitation, but an error on Jahrbuch.

    • Some entries display volume, issue, page information in a different format (e.g. A 28, Nr. 9, 19 p.) These values will appear in the Publication field. Normally they are split into dedicated fields.
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