Style Error: Society of Biblical Literature

In the current version of the SBL style (2012-10-26), there seem to be a couple issues that crop up when citing a multi-volume work. For instance, in my library, I have an item specified as in this RDF, and Zotero's footnote and bibliographic output is as follows:
N: Eleazar Sukenik, Měgīllōt gěnūzōt: mittōk gěnīzā qědūmā še-nimz̲eʼā bě-Midbar Yěhūdā (Jerusalem: Bialik, 1948), 1:16.

B: Sukenik, Eleazar. Měgīllōt gěnūzōt: mittōk gěnīzā qědūmā še-nimz̲eʼā bě-Midbar Yěhūdā. 2 vols. Jerusalem: Bialik, 1948.
Per SBLHS however (7.2.19), the output looks like it should be:
N: Eleazar Sukenik, Měgīllōt gěnūzōt: mittōk gěnīzā qědūmā še-nimz̲eʼā bě-Midbar Yěhūdā (2 vols.; Jerusalem: Bialik, 1948–1950), 1:16.

B: Sukenik, Eleazar. Měgīllōt gěnūzōt: mittōk gěnīzā qědūmā še-nimz̲eʼā bě-Midbar Yěhūdā. 2 vols. Jerusalem: Bialik, 1948–1950.
The underlining here is, of course, added to highlight the additions that seem to be necessary per SBLHS. Just for drill, I did also try using a hyphen rather than an en dash to join the year range, but the output is similar in both cases.

Any assistance you folks might be able to provide in overcoming these issues would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for all you do!
  • Zotero currently doesn't do date-ranges but I'll fix the # of volumes for the note.
  • Thanks so much for the help.
  • The style is now fixed. The updated version will appear on the repository within 30mins (check the timestamp). Update your copy of the style by re-installing it from the repository. (See here if you need instructions for installing styles in standalone.)
    Any further problems please let us know.
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