Changing Citation/References in Word document from EndNote to Zotero

Recently, I changed from EndNote to Zotero. Following this forum tips I could export my library together PDF attached. Thanks to this community users!

A new question appeared: I have a lot of Microsoft Word documents wrote using EndNote "Cite While You Write". Is there any change to replace EndNote citations to Zotero automatically?

Also, I couldn't find in Zotero any indicator that shows the number of papers, books etc. I have stored in whole library and in each group? Is there any place to see that? Now, the main pourpouse is to compare whether all my EndNote registers were properly imported by Zotero.

Thanks in advance,
  • A new question appeared: I have a lot of Microsoft Word documents wrote using EndNote "Cite While You Write". Is there any change to replace EndNote citations to Zotero automatically?
    no, sorry.
    Also, I couldn't find in Zotero any indicator that shows the number of papers, books etc. I have stored in whole library and in each group?
    See the third one here:
  • edited November 26, 2012
    Me too... I have started my PhD thesis using endnote and now what. I can't just change the citation style in the middle of work from endnote to zotero. Does Zotero have some KB limits or I can add as much as I want to my database?
  • Hi. It was a great deal to have changed to Zotero.
    My currenty library has 9GB and around 3000 items.
    No performances issues when using Zotero standalone.
  • If items that were cited in your thesis are now in Zotero (and are correct), this is less work than you expect. It is much less work if you have a numeric style.

    For safety, be sure that you have saved copies of your document with and withour the EndNote field codes.

    Make another copy (with a new file name) of the document without field codes. Print a copy of that document. Physically mark (dog ear the page, use a sticky or paperclip) the beginning of your reference list.

    Open the new copy of the renamed document without field codes. This is the copy you will edit using Zotero. Using the printed copy as a reference, edit the citations one-by-one. Highlight and delete each citation and immediately replace it by inserting the citation using Zotero.

    Mark the citation on your printed copy to indicate that it has a live Zotero field code.

    Using the working file, insert a blank page after the last page of your reference list. The Zotero verson of your feference list will begin here.

    Click the button to make a bibliography for the working copy (with live Zotero citations). Compare the first items in your old reference list with that in the new one. They should be exactly the same. If not, verify that you are using the desired style.

    Go through your document replacing each inert citation with a Zotero citation. You don't need to verify the reference list each time but only after you have replaced several citations. Do _not_ add any new citations while editing. Additions should be made only after all edits have been done and you have confirmed that your new reference list is the same as your old one.

    When all citations have been replaced, verify that the new reference list contains all the items (and in the same order) as in the old one.

    If both lists match, delete the old inert one.

    Save your document throughout the editing process using a new filename with each save (filename-A.doc, filename-B.doc, etc.). You may need to fall back on one of the back-up files if you make an error that can't be easily fixed.

    I write from experience. I began my doctoral thesis using Reference Manager. I had used Reference Manager for writing since before it was a DOS program. At the point that I was completing my final draft, Reference Manager failed me. I had to find a new citation management tool. I tried to convert to EndNote but was not successful. I discovered Zotero and found that (even the early versions) worked better than Reference Manager. It required about 5 hours to bring the 426 referenced items into the Zotero database and verify that each item was correct. It required another 7 to 8 hours to follow the steps listed above.

    Although it required almost two days of work to complete all tasks, the effort wasn't lost time. The editing process helped me to find places where I expressed myself poorly and places where an additional reference was needed. I also found several typos that had gone unrecognized through several readings.
  • edited November 26, 2012
    I've just started writing thesis and I have about 35 citations and I use numeric style. What do u mean by field code? The numbers in my thesis indicating a citation? It would me much easier if I could choose the number from which I start in Zotero then if the last citation is 35 in Endnote I would start as 36 in Zotero- of course if I am not planning to insert any citation between Endnote and Zotero citations (even if yes I would cope with that).

    I am also afraid that Zotero can be closed, coz I read that Endnote sued Zotero :/
  • The Endnote lawsuit was four years ago and was dismissed.

    you can't select with which number to start with Zotero - also, what would happen if you referred to the same item again and needed the same number? Replacing 35 citations takes 30mins, just take the time and do this right, you get instructions by DWL above.
  • edited November 26, 2012
    edit: a much better link to a tutorial than was in the earlier version of this comment

    Field codes are hidden bits of data that EndNote or Zotero inserts into the body of your paper that allow you to move blocks of text around and automatically re-number your references both in the body of your document and in the reference list. Likewise, there are many other hidden things inserted by your word processor that affect the way your document appears (font face, font size, line spacing, indents, etc.). Normally you don't need to worry about them. They are invisible to you and you would only take steps to display the field codes if something goes terribly wrong with your document -- a rare occurrence.

    I recommend above that you leave your EndNote document intact and working with a copy of your document remove the EndNote field codes. Instructions (a 37 second video) on how to perform this simple task may be found at the link below.

    Once you have your new document, make another copy of it (you cannot be too safe), open the Zotero connection, select each citation number one-by-one. Delete the citation number and immediately insert the same reference using Zotero.

    If all of your references are already in your Zotero database and correct, replacing 35 citations will be a simple task.

    I don't know how many Zotero users there are but I suspect that there several hundred thousand of us. There are more than 10,000 users at my university alone. Zotero is likely to be around for many years. Unlike with EndNote, you can get free personalized help through the forum. Unlike with EndNote updating the Zotero software is easy. Zotero is open source. If something terrible were to happen (say, a meteor struck a building during a meeting of all the Zotero developers -- sorry, Dan, et al. -- there are likely to be enough others who could keep the project going.
  • edited November 26, 2012
    Ya, good points. I had some strange problem with endnote and that's why I've started looking for some alternative. I dont know why when I installed Zotero at work (word 2003) it appeared as a plugin in the word and when I did exactly the same at home (word 2007) it didn't, but I will cope with it soon.
  • Ok, i've started the conversion and you know what i found? I am working with 2 files- one with endnote and second with plain text. I am using the first one to find the place of citation and to do this I need to open ednote edit citation plugin in this file. Until it is opened I can't delete the number of citation in file with plain text what means that STILL (somehow) there is a connection to endnote. When I close the tab with edition in endnote file I can delete the number in "pure text file" which is for sure without field code coz it is not highlighted anymore and I did exactly this what was said in the vid you sent. Just as a notice. Going back to work.
  • Oki, i finished conversion. It wasn't really hard. I realized that I can't delete any text as long as my endnote file is open as another file. I also noticed that websites from endnote databased are converted into books in zotero so I need to fix it manually. Thanks for help.
  • edited November 26, 2012
    I have one question. I know that for sure it is somewhere in guidelines, but I will ask here, coz u were eager to help. How can I find the place of citation in the text? In endnote when i entered citation options I had the list of all citations and their places and number of how many times they were used (on this basis I converted file into zotero citation). I had to click on it and it showed me the places where i inserted the certain citation. I cant find it in Zotero. It is important. How to find the place of citation in the text?
  • Zotero doesn't have that. Why is it important?
  • edited November 26, 2012
    .... how why; if i find better tool for citations i need it to convert citations like i did now hahahahha it is very useful for that (didnt have to print anything or to mark anything); anyway i want to know when i look at for example no 7 where i used this no 7 in the text; sometimes i look at list of citations and i want to know what info from it i used in my work (even for self-check); it should be there; i used it quite often in endnote
  • In my experience, the EndNote utility you describe has always been error-prone, at least for larger documents.
  • Yes. That's why I left it for good. I just miss in Zotero that thing with searching for exact place of citation, but I can live with that (I can always ctrl+f and look for certain number or name of author in other style). Before this talk here I was not sure if I should shift to Zotero, but you helped me to take this decision and I am happy with that. It is much faster.
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