Sort by Recently Used when adding citation in Word

I wonder if there is a way - when i am working on a paper in Word/OoWriter - that when i go to add a citation, i could sort my library by 'most recently used' i.e. papers most recently cited in the current document.

at the moment, if i am referring to the same paper(s) a lot I have to sort by author or date added or whatever, then scroll down. If zotero could sort by 'most recently cited in this document' or else remember a shortcut list of say 5 'hot papers' and show these at the top of the list like a 'recent files' feature, that would be immense.
  • Have you tried using collections? Drag whatever articles you will be citing into a collection then if you keep the collection selected in Zotero then when you open the plugin it will be selected too and the relevant hot 15 will be there for you. Delete the collection once the docuemnt is finished.
  • Hi Jon - thanks for the tip I'll try that out in the meantime.

    I suppose in the longer term though it would better if I didn't have to go back to firefox->zotero to add a paper to the 'working collection' before going back to my document and adding the citation.

    It's a decent workaround though, ty.
  • Is it possible to construct a saved search for the condition "recently cited"? To my mind, that would be a great solution to this problem. You construct that search, save it, and it gets added to that saved search as you cite. Then, when you are adding a citation, you could just look in that "recently cited" dynamic folder. I'm not sure if there is actually any information saved to the DB about whether an item has recently been used, though.

    I also think this would be a good place for "sticky" usage - cursor goes to most recently used citation when adding a new citation (on/off as a preference, as this could be irritating for some users).

  • I'm not sure if there is actually any information saved to the DB about whether an item has recently been used, though.
    There's not, but there could be.
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