RePEc translator

  • I just issued a pull request for a fixed version of the translator that correct the hook and does most of what you do
    (your link above is wrong, though, so I can't tell in detail - I may want to copy some of the additional data lines).

    For your questions
    1. If the tag isn't there it should work - if it's empty we currently can't do anything, we'd need a fancier translator for that (do you have an example?)
    2. Zotero corrects that when creating citations. I'm not sure about bibtex export, but it should. If it doesn't that would be a different topic.

    The attachment issue will not change - I don't think what you want can be done - if it can, it involves more of a hassle than I'm willing to invest.
  • edited February 9, 2012
    Sorry, the correct link is this one (EDIT: seems to be more difficult than I thought to put it up correctly :). No idea how the other one got up there.

    1. An example.

    2. I don't think it does. I am just getting into bibtex, and also use the Word add-on heavily and I am pretty sure the APA, Sage Harvard or Chicago author-date styles use hyphens. I think it's preferable to get it right on the import, not (only) on the export.
  • edited February 9, 2012
    2. I just checked again: hyphens are not replaced by dashes when creating bibliographies via clipboard. I checked APA6, Chicago Author Date, Elsevier Harvard, Sage Harvard and Springer Author Date.
    Apparently I did get it right in the translator though, i.e. my IDEAS translator inserts a dash instead of hyphen in the page range for articles.
    But how could it be done in a style then (for older records and those from other sources)?
  • Zotero should do this automatically for all styles - but you're right it doesn't. Thread here:
  • the updated translator is now up.
    I won't worry about updating it again for some time - it should do most things right now.
  • Thanks, but one more update would be nice, because I found the solution to the keywords/tags issue. In short, we need to use tags: FW.Xpath('//meta[@name="citation_keywords"]/@content').text().split(/[;,]/).trim(),
    Both sites are fuzzy about using commas or semi-colons as separators, so we have to use both.
    Could you also replace citation_date with citation_publication_date on IDEAS, please?
  • an updated REPEC translator is up - it fixes keywords as well as a regression of the author parsing (bc. of an underlying change in Zotero code). I've also added some of the additional fields that dapperdan has in his version of the translator above - those won't affect anything current, but may matter with field upgrades in the future.
  • Hello,
    The REPEC translator works well for page relating to invividual reference (ex. Nevertheless, it doesn't allow for bulk import for pages containing a list of reference (ex.
    Does someone knows if there a way to fix this ?
    Thanks in advance for your feedbacks
  • thanks for letting us know. Fixed now.

    Your copy of Zotero will auto-update within 24hs or you can update translators immediately by clicking "Update Now" in the General tab of the Zotero preferences.
    Any problems, please let us know.
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