Book section / edited collection


I'm excited about getting started with Zotero and have found it very useful for indexing my secondary materials, but there is one issue that seems to be missing.

Is there a category for articles in an edited collection? "Book section" doesn't fit the bill because the editors are usually different than the contributors. I'm thinking of a work like the following: Janiewski, Dolores. “Gendered Colonialism: The ‘Woman Question’ in Settler Society.” In _Nation, Empire, Colony: Historicizing Gender and Race_. Eds. Ruth Roach Pierson and Nurpur Chaudhuri. 57-76. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
  • "Book section" doesn't fit the bill because the editors are usually different than the contributors
    You can have different authors and editors for book sections. Add an additional contributor by clicking the plus sign to the right of the last author. Then click on the word "Contributor" to switch it to "Editor" through the drop down menu that appears.
  • Thanks for that -- makes sense, which is why I should have figured it out in the first place! One more question: is it possible to create a new entry for a book section directly from the entry for the book itself? That is, enter the information for the edited collection as a whole and then click on something to create a new entry for one of its articles without having to re-type all the information from the larger source?
  • Enter the larger source, the whole book. Then, right click on that item in the middle pain, and duplicate it.

    In the duplicate, change the type to book section, cut the title and move it to book title, and you should be good to go. Just enter the title, and author.

    To add another section, just duplicate the book section you just made, and edit it.

    Someday it will be easier, but I haven't had any problems with this method.
  • OK, adding an author as "editor" certainly helps, but some formats (like MLA) ask for the word "In" to be added before the title of the collection. So far, I haven't got Zotero to do this.
  • I'm pretty sure that MLA doesn't require that "in." Please check the MLA style guide.
  • My apologies. Sean is correct.
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