Export Entries with Javascript

Hello everyone,

I'm on a project for my academic studies. This project is to visualize a book database. I want to show the number of translations of a book in a chart, so I created a database with an entry for every translation of about 750 different books.

I want to create a dropdown menu where you can choose the author and when you've chosen the author there should be another dropdown menu with the titles of the books written by this chosen author.

Has anyone an idea how you can read the Zotero entries in my dropdownmenu directly without exporting the database or is there a way to automatically export the database in e.g. xml so I can write my script relating to this automatic exported xml file?
Because if there are any new entries I want them to be read in automatically.

Thank you for helping!
  • I'd recommend using something that opens a read-only connection to Zotero's underlying SQLite database, possibly something in Python using the pygnotero library and code: https://github.com/smathot/Gnotero/tree/master/pygnotero

    You could also do this in JavaScript as a Firefox plugin-- you can probably build off of the Papermachines code: http://chrisjr.github.com/papermachines/ This approach is probably the best in the long run, because it will mean that your code is part of a larger data mining / visualization package, and you'll benefit from a lot of underlying work that Chris has already done.
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