Please help! I can't open zotero.sqlite for back up purpose

Hi there,
I have used Zotero for my research for some weeks and I am trying to back up all materials. I am using Window 7 and can't open either Zotero.sqlite (SQLITE file) or Zotero.sqlite.bak (BAK file). Please kindly advise which program I should download or how I can open these folders to save all materials in a flash drive.
Thank you very much in advance, it took me one and a half hour to search on google but nothing worked for me.
  • you don't need to open them to back them up. Just copy them.

    Also, it is strongly recommended to set-up a periodic automated back-up of all your important data - Windows has, I believe, built-in back-up software that will help you with that.
  • edited September 27, 2012
    Thank you adamsmith for your advice. I tried to open the files with default programs like pdf and notepad but they didn't work. Please kindly advise how I can restore the previous versions without the default programs.

    The link you sent me has recommended Northwestern University library instruction to back up the materials on Zotero. It seems that according to the library zotero.sqile can be opened. I am not familiar with import function to zotero so I really appreciate more advice to open the materials to save to a flash drive.

    Thanks much again:)
  • Again, you don't need software to open the .sqlite file.

    If you need the back-up, you replace the Zotero data directory with your backed up version.
    There are detailed instructions here:

    In the whole process you never need to - in fact your really, really shouldn't - open the .sqlite file.
  • Thank you again adamsmith
    I think someone should remove the Northwestern university url on zotero instruction page. The url demonstrates that .sqlite file can be opened. It is too bad for me that I tried to open the file with various default programs and I can't restore the file to the original version.
    I did sync my materials on zotero website. Please advise if I can remove zotero on my computer and install it again. If you have a better idea for me, pls advise.
    With the current status of the back up file, if I continue to build up my materials on zotero one day I might lose everything as zotero.splite is now with a default program.
    Pls kindly advise me
    Thanks much much
  • edited September 27, 2012

    Always be sure to keep important data in multiple copies. One copy should be kept as an "untouched" version that is never opened or tampered with. Always work on a copy. (It may be too late this time around, but it's a good thing to remember going forward.)

    By the Northwestern University URL, so you mean this one? I read it, and found that it is very clear, and does not recommend anything dangerous. It asks that you open a directory. The zotero.sqlite database is a file, not a directory, and nothing in that page suggests that it should be opened or altered in any way.

    If your items are still there on the Zotero server, be sure that sync is disabled in your local Zotero. If you haven't yet entered your Zotero ID and password in the Preferences -> Sync panel, do not do so.

    About how many items do you have stored in your account on the Zotero server?

    Once you have confirmed those details, post here again, and we can point you to instructions for restoring you Zotero library from the server.
  • edited September 27, 2012
    trangpham: All the instructions we have to offer, for backing up and restoring, are on the Zotero data page. If those aren't clear to you, I'd recommend that you look for some in-person help—for example, from a local IT department or library.
  • edited September 27, 2012
    Hi fbennet,

    Thank you for your instructions in detail and advice. Yes, that's the link I refer to, but now when I read it again, I found I was wrong, sorry, I saw on the demo screen various file types and misread folder and file.

    I have around 50 items in the library which are now above the storage limit on the website. Please advise if I should buy the 1 GB package to sync everything before restoring the library. I checked and found that the username and password are in the sync panel. Please kindly give me instructions in detail so that I can restore the library from the website. I really appreciate your kind help.
  • Hi Dan,
    I really like Zotero and unfortunately people at the library only coach us with refwork and other softwares. I am afraid not many people know about Zotero here. I hope to receive your instructions to fix this problem. I appreciate your attention.
  • (@trangpham: Dan is pretty busy, and maybe a little concerned that you might have another accident. I'll do what I can to help, but you must be careful.)

    Let's confirm what you have in place right now. Is your local Zotero library functioning okay?
  • Hi fbennett,
    Thank you very much for your nice reply and instructions, I have bought more storage capacity to make sure everything I have will go to the website before restoring the library. It'll take me about 24 hours to process my order so I would appreciate if you could kindly help me when everything is ready.
    Yes, my local Zotero library is now functioning well. Since sync automatically is now selected on the preferences screen with my username and password, please give me instructions also to disable sync in my local zotero.
    Thanks much much again
  • Great. You're in fine shape, I misunderstood your issue. There is no need to disable sync, leave it enabled.

    Now you just need to make a clean backup copy of your local Zotero data. Follow the instructions Dan linked above: Zotero data.
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