Citations order randomly

It appears that a number of people have single posts about this issue, but it's never been answered. Why do multiple citations after a word appear in random order? Occasionally they appear correctly as 1-4 and 5-9, but usually they appear as 3,4,1,2 and 6,5,7,9,8 or 3,2,4,1 and 7,9,8,6,5 or some seemingly random combination thereof. Refreshing the bibliography seems to randomly re-assort the order. This happens when more than one word has multiple (more than 2) references associated with it. It seems to be a problem with sorting the arrays or something like that.

I tried in in both MS word and OpenOffice, and both plugins seem to have the same problem. I've posted a screencast below that demonstrates the issue.

Other posts about this issue:

Is this a known bug, or am I just not using the program right? Any help would be much appreciated. I'm a very new user, hoping to not have to purchase Endnote.
  • This problem is fixed in the dev build and will be released when we deliver 1.0.4.
  • I'm really happy to read that.
  • When is 1.0.4 expected?
  • edited April 17, 2008
    That's great! Maybe I can get my hands on the dev build until 1.0.4 comes out... I'd have the same question (when is it expected?).

    Update: Confirmed that the dev build works! Fantastic -- now I can use this thing.
  • edited June 9, 2008
    The ordering works for a multiple citation when all citations are done in one step. If you edit your citation list and for instance add a new citation item, then the ordering doesn't work.

    I'm currently running the 1.04 with MS Word 2003
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