zotero in german

I am quite a fan of zotero. However, for the first time I have to write a text in German and not in English and do have some problem with it...
I should use APA Style, but as far as I see it, there is just an english version available, meaning the shortcut is p (for page). So how can I change the language in zotere in order that the p ist no longer a p for page (English) but a S for Seite (German)? I am glad for any help! Thanx!
  • edited November 9, 2011
    Does this help?
    Citations and Bibliographies

    To keep your Zotero UI in one language, but use another language for the citations and bibliographies created by Zotero, follow these steps:

    Type about:config into the Firefox address bar and press Enter. Dismiss the “This might void your warranty!” warning. In Zotero Standalone you can access about:config from the Advanced pane of the preferences.

    Type “biblio” in the Filter text box. Now double-click the extensions.zotero.export.bibliographyLocale preference (or right-click the preference and select Modify), and enter the desired language tag (e.g. “en-US” for US English). See the Chrome Manifest for all available codes.

    Restart Firefox.
    For more information see the whole page: http://www.zotero.org/support/supported_languages
  • have you tried setting the bibliogaphyLocale to de-DE as described above?
  • I set it to "de" as described above.

    There is only "de" instead of "de-DE" in the chomre manifest (whatever it is!) ;)
  • It is the same with "de-DE".

    btw: I don't understand why Zotero use english instead of german. It should use german by default because it is the system language.
  • I don't understand that either - it's a bit hard to replicate because I don't happen to have a machine with non-English system around, that's why I'm asking questions.
    So how about some of the German styles on the repository - how about e.g. the Harvard - Institut für Praxisforschung ?
  • :D
    This style doesn't use S. or p.
    A citation there looks like this
    "(Kazandjian u. a. 2009: 123)"
  • edited September 5, 2012
    right, but you get u.a. which means that it's working (the style has S. in the bibliography for chapters)
  • Ah I see.

    btw: Now I installed the current APA 6 ("invalid") from your webpage. But it doesn't matter.
    It is the same behaviour with the preinstalled APA 6.
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