Error ID 750418269 (citeproc-js)

When I was adding a citation in my word document this error appeared.
And now,I'm not able to cite anything.
What's wrong?
Please help...

  • Sorry, I forgot configuration
    I'm running on Mac OSX 10.6.8, Firefox 11.0, Zotero 3.0.3 and microsoft office 2011
  • edited March 30, 2012
    [JavaScript Error: "value is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/citeproc.js" line: 4480}]
    I think we've seen at least one other report of this, but I don't remember the resolution. fbennett will need to advise.
  • Frank will want to know which citation style and if you can replicate this with other citation styles.
  • Thanks for your reactivity
    I use vancouver style.
    I tried to reinstall all my softwares: word 2011, Firefox 11, Zotero and MSW plugin. The same crash still remains.
    I'll try with another style and will tell you.
  • it works with AMA style. But I need to use the vancouver.
    And when I change the style again to vancouver, the same alert appears: value is undefined
    I bring the Debug ID D1722263845 for this last action.
  • I'm sorry but i'm going mad...I was refreshing under vancouver style.
    another crash happened.
    debug ID D1966939728.

    So I will work under AMA style and hope you'll find solution to come back in vancouver asap.
    Thanks a lot.
  • Hello,
    Have you any news to help me with vancouver?
    Thank you.
  • Hi,
    Zotero crash again for me
    Error ID 1160669995
    The Debug ID is D964191133.

    After I reinstalled the Vancouver style, I tried to switch in Vancouver from AMA style. Word told me that the value is undefined. Then, although my biblio change of style was efficient, i tried to cite another ref and this error message appeared again. Now, i can't cite anything from my zotero toolbar or my word script item menu because my standard zotero window of citation doesn't appear anymore.
    What can I do to debug zotero and use it agin with another style?
    Why can't I use the vancouver style?

    Thanks for your help.
  • 1) Restart Word/Firefox and/or your computer.

    2) Try Debugging Broken Documents
  • I have a problem very similar to daruide that seemed to begin when I installed the Word for Mac add-in from within Zotero Standalone. Though everything was previously working fine, Standalone showed the Add-in as not being installed. I stupidly told it to go ahead and install it, and immediately I had a broken document. It will no longer update with Vancouver set in DocPrefs. Other styles seem to work fine. None of the other tricks mentioned in Debugging Broken Documents helped.

    Odd problem. Thank god I don't have to use Vancouver!

    Error ID: 2011713430
  • The error is:
    [JavaScript Error: "value is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/citeproc.js" line: 4804}]
  • edited July 2, 2012
    From the citeproc-js code, it looks like this would be caused by a missing locale term (either season-* or month-*).

    @whg2n: I can provide a plugin for Standalone that may help in diagnosing the exact cause of the fault. Let me know if you'd like me to set that up.

    (And my apologies for the slow response to this thread -- I had completely missed the discussion.)
  • @whg2n: Actually, I think I've spotted a bug in the code that calls a non-existent term. I should be able to offer a plugin that just fixes the problem. It would be great if you can test it out when it's ready. More news soon.
  • Okay, this should be fixed now, in processor release 1.0.353. If the revision makes its way into the upcoming Zotero 3.0.8 release, the problem should go away with the upgrade. (There is a plugin available to fix the issue in 3.0.7, but it's probably not worth fussing with that, since 3.0.8 is right around the corner.)
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