Opening document with Zotero citations on another computer


have you tried to open and edit (accidentally or on purpose) an document with Zotero citations inserted as fields on another computer that has Zotero, but with different database (e.g. not with all records you have used in the document).

What happened when you tried to insert or edit citation?

My experience is that since this accident I cannot use Word or OpenOffice plugin anymore no matter how I try... even complete removal of Zotero and fresh install with empty database did not help... Any suggestions? Thanks.
  • My experience:

    Firstly the document opened fine and was editable except for the zotero citations. Upon any attempt to edit these error dialogues started opening complaining about not being able to communicate with zotero.

    I'm not sure exactly how this was circumvented but it was not a permanent condition... meaning that some combination of restarting zotero, word, OS, seemed to get things back. Personally I admit to feeling a little disappointed about this as I had expected the document would behave a little more "standalone" than that. But it is early days... you may want to consider the possibility of a corrupted database and the associated "fix" options. IMHO it pays to keep regular backups.

    We now share both the database and the document together, sharing the database via svn and installing it in a custom directory as opposed the default user profile. There remains a problem with this in that simply opening firefox + zotero seems to modify the database so a single person still has to be the database owner, others nuking prior to updates, or it all goes pear shaped.

    Looking forward to the shared database feature that is slated for June 2008.
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