Link between web site and file storage?
Are there any plans for some way of finding attachments in webdav storage based on their web app entry? In the simplest case, this might mean no more than the item page showing a field with the name of the zip file which contains the attachment.
Any news on this? The click-through to attachments stored as PDF on the WebDAV server from the zotero library would make everything so much easier...
I'd find this feature extremely helpful, too. A plain and simple entry with the filename on the webdav space would already help a lot for now. I hope the introduction of paid services does not mean that these plans have been abandoned/stalled.
just to add a possibly final comment to this thread: check out my program phpZoteroWebDAV, which provides both a php-based WebDAV server implementation and a library and attachment viewer to access the files synced to that server: