Quick Access Toolbar Buttons

I think it would help with overall convenience and efficiency to have the Zotero buttons in Word 2007 appear in the quick access toolbar(QAT). I know you can add the Custom Toolbars to the QAT and then access the zotero buttons like "insert citation" but I feel having those buttons available inherently in the QAT as well as not hidden with in the Custom Toolbars button on the QAT would improve in the effectiveness of the Zotero addin.

Should be easy-ish (not that anything is all that easy in Visual Basic). What do you think?
  • check out this thread, find the post by austing from June 10 2010 -

    he offers a nice customization file for download that will give you individual Zotero icons on the "References" tab which you can individually add to the quick access toolbar.

    To use the file, right-click on any ribbon, choose "customize", then click on the import button and feed Word the file from austing...
  • I am excited to try this out
  • Ohoh - looks really difficult.
    Anyway in addition to QAT integration I suggest bigger icons, or at least a selection. In word they are hardly recognisable.
  • I don't think the link offered by hcsiller is for QAT integration but for Ribbon integration...
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