URL in references: wordpocessor style -- advice
Importing References in LibreOffice document, using the Zotero plug-in
This is not a technical question. I have a formatting question, when citing web articles:
I would like to know if the URL in the citations should be recognized as a clickable URL in my document (or PDF export), or not -- what's the best practice, if any?
Thank you
This is not a technical question. I have a formatting question, when citing web articles:
I would like to know if the URL in the citations should be recognized as a clickable URL in my document (or PDF export), or not -- what's the best practice, if any?
Thank you
Generally, for documents online you want it clickable, for documents that are printed you don't.
Do you know a URL where I can browse/download academic papers of all sort? Or a repository where people share their work, essays, thesis, etc.
Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics
Is there a similar website for literature, history, linguistic, social science?
You can make everything a clickable hyperlink.
Libre/OpenOffice use a character style for hyperlinks called "Internet Link". So in case you have to make a hyperlink look like plain text you just edit the character style to remove the underline and color.
This gives you the most flexibility: Hyperlinks if needed. No hyperlinks if not needed.