problems editing the last lines of long citations with multiple fields

I am having trouble editing long citations with multiple fields in Word / Zotero. I have some very long citations that are made up of say 10 different sources. When I go to Zotero via Word to edit a long citation - to add page numbers or modify something else - the last lines of the citation in the editing field at the bottom of the page are invisible to me. They are below the bottom of the editing field. I can't make the view of titles from my bibliography above smaller - and I can't make the editing field bigger - by expanding these fields by dragging their edges. These are fixed. There is also no way to scroll down the editing field. This is the case even when I have the pop-up window citation editing window expanded to the full size of my laptop screen. So I basically can't edit the last lines of the citation.
Is there any way I can do this, or can this be fixed?
  • MG6
    edited April 24, 2012
    This shortcoming in the plug-in's Citation dialog is still with us, and it is a problem with far fewer than 10 references. It is often necessary to write explanatory text in a note, which is why the Editor is such a great idea. All it needs is a simple elevator on the right side, so we can scroll down.

    A temporary work around is to copy and paste the note from an outside editor (like Word), but that kind of defeats the purpose.

    Thank you!
  • I'm not sure I understand completely - with Zotero 3.0 instead of using the editor, you can edit a citation right in the word-processor (with the same caveats about it not updating anymore etc.).
    You can still write the suffix and prefix with the new dialogue and should be able to see the entire thing using the left and right arrows.

    In the new citation dialog you don't have the editor anymore - I don't think the "classic" add citation dialog will see any more development work.
  • I'm using 3.0--am I posting in the right place? Anyway, I think we're talking about the same thing, namely the Add/Edit Citation dialog in Word. I just tried using the right arrow to go off the edge, and I see there is now an elevator, but it still doesn't work correctly. It's cutting off the bottom, and won't scroll enough to make it visible. If the developers are testing it with 1 or 2 references and only a short prefix like "see e.g." it might not be apparent. If you consult a good history monograph, you will see the kind of footnotes we have to write.

    So, while the caveat is duly noted, it isn't really the issue. Word has a nasty habit of reformatting footnotes at random. This is really what drew me to Endnote and Zotero in the first place, before I knew what else they could do. Thanks to the Editor, Zotero is particularly excellent at it. On a long project, it is very nice to have the note as polished as possible in Zotero's native format, and then fix the details of aesthetics only once, at the end, when you print it off for submission. The Editor is very useful for setting up the basic structure and appearance of the note while you're still building it, to make sure you have the proper punctuation and spacing in place. Constantly having to close and reopen the dialog makes it much less convenient, but you can't currently see the whole thing inside the dialog.
  • I'm running 3.03 on a Mac, with Word 2011. I have a PC but it's not available right now for me to see if it's the same there.
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