Style Request:: update Organization Science Style


The Organization Science style has a number of problems. It would be great if they could be addressed. Thanks very much. Tom

1. In-text citation style:

1.1 Citations with more than two authors should be cited with the first author plus “et al.”, including the first instance of that citation.

1.2. In citations referring to page numbers, the format should be (Smith 2011, p. 1). Currently, there is no comma and no space between "p." and the page number.

1.3. Multiple papers in a citation should be sorted alphabetically. At present, there seems to be no sort order at all.

2.Journal articles

2.1. There should not be a “p.” preceding page numbers.
For example, currently it produces:
“Smith, J.. 2011. Healthcare scandals in the NHS: Crime and punishment. Journal of Medical Ethics 37(4) p.230–232.”
It should be:
“Smith, J. 2011. Healthcare scandals in the NHS: Crime and punishment. Journal of Medical Ethics 37(4) 230–232.”

3. Books

3.1. The location and publisher should be formatted as "Location, Publisher", whereas it is currently "Publisher: Location".

For example, it currently produces:
“Smith, J.1995. Genre knowledge in disciplinary communication: Cognition/culture/power. Malwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.”

It should be
“Smith J. 1995. Genre knowledge in disciplinary communication: Cognition/culture/power. Lawrence Erlbaum, Malwah, NJ.

4.Book chapters

4.1. The word "In" should not precede the book in which the chapter appears.

For example, it now produces:
“Friedland, R., R. R. Alford. 1991. Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. In W. W. Powell, P. J. DiMaggio, eds. The new institutionalism in organizational analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 232–63.”

It should be:
“Friedland, R., R. R. Alford. 1991. Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. W. W. Powell, P. J. DiMaggio, eds. The new institutionalism in organizational analysis. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 232–263.”.

4.2. As with books, the publisher and location should be formatted "Location, Publisher"

For example, it now produces:
“Friedland, R., R. R. Alford. 1991. Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. In W. W. Powell, P. J. DiMaggio, eds. The new institutionalism in organizational analysis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 232–63.”

It should be:
“Friedland, R., R. R. Alford. 1991. Bringing society back in: Symbols, practices, and institutional contradictions. W. W. Powell, P. J. DiMaggio, eds. The new institutionalism in organizational analysis. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 232–263.”
  • do you have a link to a styleguide with that information?
  • Sorry for the delayed response. I have been in correspondence with the managing editor and it turns out they don't have a style guide, as they are very flexible with respect to submissions. I know from experience, though, that reviewers expect submissions to conform to the published style.

  • do you have a link to a recent article - ideally ungated, but gated will likely do, I assume I have access.
  • Hi,

    Sorry again for the delayed response. Here is a link. Let me know if you can't access it.

  • the fixes are now up, will show up within the next 30mins.
  • Thanks so much! That is terrific.

    One small question: previously when I've posted comments, I've received email notifications of comments posted to that thread, but that didn't happen this time. Is there some way of indicating that one does want email notifications?

  • by default you will get notifications for any thread in which you participate.
    I don't know exactly what happened in this case - the notifications are set in a way to not sent huge amounts of unnecessary e-mails, this might be connected to when you last visited the forum or so.
  • You get notifications only once after each visit to the forums.
  • Thanks for the clarification. It's a bit strange, as I visited the forums several times to read and post comments on this thread but never received an email notification.

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