Lost library - possible to import from docx?

Hi, everyone. I recently had to reinstall windows and forgot to save my zotero library. However I still have the docx I was working on, and all the items from my library are citations in said docx. There is also a list/bibliography. Is it possible for Zotero to take the information from this docx to recreate my library? Or will I have to do that manually?
  • Not really. Although Zotero 3.0 does store citation information embedded in the document, there is currently no way to import that back to Zotero. (This is a planned feature, but has not been implemented yet.)

    I really recommend setting up syncing of your library to avoid losing data in the future.
  • I was searching for something similar. If it's not too late for you, you can do it semi-auto, using this website : http://www.hubmed.org/citation.htm (for biomedical though, maybe there is something similar in other fields)
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