Option to force use of english

I would like to generate my bibliography in english. At the moment, the bibliography contains the dutch expression 'en anderen' instead of the desired 'et al.'
  • edited April 30, 2008
    I noticed that there's a bug report for this, marked "fixed":


    According to the ticket, the language used in bibliographies can be changed by setting the extensions.zotero.export.bibliographyLocale preference in Firefox. However, I've tested this using the Zotero development XPI downloaded from http://dev.zotero.org/svn_and_trac_access , and setting that preference has no effect; bibliographies are still generated in Firefox's default language. How can I get this feature to work?

    Ideally, it should be possible to set the language of the bibliography on a per-document basis. I write articles in four different languages, so a global setting doesn't make sense; I should be able to set the language used for the bibliography in each document, and each document should remember which language its bibliography is in.
  • However, I've tested this using the Zotero development XPI downloaded from http://dev.zotero.org/svn_and_trac_access , and setting that preference has no effect; bibliographies are still generated in Firefox's default language
    1) This feature has been around for six months, so there's no need to use the dev XPI for this.

    2) Did you restart Firefox after changing the setting?

    3) What are you setting it to?
  • edited May 6, 2008
    I set it to "en-GB", and I did restart Firefox. What did work for me is changing "general.useragent.locale" to "en-GB"; this causes Zotero to generate bibliographies in English, but strangely, it has no effect on Zotero's user interface (or on anything else in Firefox, as far as I can tell), which remains in Arabic.

    Perhaps I should mention that I'm using Firefox 3.0b5 (which I why I'm using the development XPI).
  • Try en-US
  • Thanks, en-US works; so does fr-FR. It would be nice if this was documented somewhere (not just in a bug ticket :) ). And please also see this feature request.
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