error update my documents?

i got this message when trying to add a refrencee in my WORD document, the message is saying:
" Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
TypeError: citationItem,itemData is undefined.

what shall i do ?
  • Provide a report ID after re-triggering the error.
  • i got this message when trying to add a refrencee in my WORD document, the message is saying:
    " Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
    TypeError: citationItem,itemData is undefined.
    The report ID is 267282065, zotero version 3.0.3 and using firefox
  • There's no Zotero error in that report. Try generating another report ID.
  • I generated another report ID for the above problem 831033122
  • There's still no error in there. Are you sure that you re-triggered the error before generating it?
  • i got this message when trying to add a refrencee in my WORD document, the message is saying:
    " Zotero experienced an error updating your document.
    TypeError: citationItem,itemData is undefined.
    The report ID is 883855647 , zotero version 3.0.3 and using firefox 11.0
    If you still cant find any errors, could you walk me through retriggering the error
  • Would you mind sending the document to
  • I just did
    Thanks for your help
  • The problem seems to be that the citation "11" on page 10 was copy and pasted from a document created with Zotero 2.1, and in addition to that you don't have the item in your library. I'll fix this for the next release, but if you delete and reinsert that citation it should work fine.
  • Thank you for your help, your recommendation took care of that problem. I still have another problem in the same document. I just sent the same document after fixing it to support@zotero with the problem.
    Thanks again
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