Simple Citation Style WITH Footnotes

  • post the style to a public gist a and post a link here - I'll need to see the whole style to see what's going on.
  • edited May 24, 2011
  • yeah that works, give me some time
    For future reference:
    is the actual link (copy from the URL bar)
  • Try this for the citation section.

    <citation et-al-min="10" et-al-use-first="1" et-al-subsequent-min="10" et-al-subsequent-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-names="true">
    <layout prefix="Vgl. " suffix="." delimiter="; ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="issue-note"/>
    <text macro="point-locators"/>

    I'd guess the reason you can't paste a bibliography is that the style has a bunch of problems - have you tried looking at it in the test pane?
  • edited May 24, 2011
    first of all, thank you for your help.

    yes, I tried the test pane, and i thought it looks good, but XML is not my business, so can't be sure that there are no bugs... is it that bad?
    The test pane shows me a bibliography...
  • edited June 20, 2011
    try this
    (you can download the style using the "Raw" link on the top right.
    I got rid of the language marker - I'm pretty sure that can be added, but I forgot where/how and couldn't figure it out quickly).

    edit: for future reference - default language is set using the default-locale option - as in default-locale="de-DE" in the style element.
  • Hi everyone -- I hate to dredge up an old topic but I am using Zotero for the first time, on a publication that requires Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date) Bibliography format, with citations in the format of "Author (date)" with ibids and placed in footnotes/endnotes rather than in the text.

    It looks like this is the style that was being described in this thread... more or less... and like someone was going to try to create it... if someone did, I would be very appreciative if you would repost the name of the relevant style in the repository.

    I see there is some debate about whether this style makes any sense... I don't have a choice in the matter so if it hasn't been created, I think I can use the instructions here to patch together what I need. But if someone has already done this, I'd rather not add coding (however plagiarized the code might be) to my to-do list as I'm not really a programmer.

    Thank you!
  • Try the style International Organization from the repository. If that doesn't work for you you'd probably have to fix things for you, happy to help with that if you have specific questions.
  • Adam --

    Thank you, thank you!

    International Organization is indeed very close to what is required... any outstanding differences are small enough that I can leave them for the editors to clean up :)

    I really appreciate the assistance (and quickly, too)... further pushing me toward being a Zotero convert!

  • Hello!

    The citation style i need is similar to this one here in the topic.
    It is supposed to look like this:

    Granovetter (1983), S. 210

    I already found a style which is similar to this. Its called :

    Harvard Reference Format 7 (Author -date) (de)

    The only problem is that the brackets are wrong. It looks like this:

    (Granovetter 1983), S. 210

    Can somebody help me out here?

    Thank you!
  • Do the citations go in footnotes or not?
    What do you need the style for?
  • Hello Adam,

    the citations go into the footnotes.
    I am not sure what exactly you mean with the second question.
    I need it for my master thesis...?
  • that's what I meant.

    Why can't you just use an existing style?
    If you need to modify a style, there are some instructions here:

    Both for a lack of time and because I'm fundamentally opposed to the German custom of using/requiring unique citation styles for MA and BA theses I won't be able to make style changes for you - but if you have very specific questions I'd be happy to help.
  • I have to match this very specific citation requirements and cant use any other style. Could you tell me under which column I can make the specific changes?

  • you'll want to change where prefix and suffix are applied in the <citation> section of the style - just play around with it in the test panel.
  • is there now an author-date style for the footnotes in the repository?
  • International Organization
  • Hi, I know this thread is quite old, but I am in need of a style like this. If anyone has modified the code I would appreciate it. It is used by a series (STT) out of Brepols Publishing and I think used elsewhere in Europe. I have the style sheet if anyone wants to take a stab at it.
  • not sure what "a style like this" exactly means, but the closest available is still the style for "International Organization"
  • Sorry, I meant a style like the first post requested. For example: Brown (1995), 23.

    I tried using the International Organization style, which is pretty darn close, but I need ( ) around the date and no Ibids. For some reason I ended up getting some footnotes with just a date followed by the page numbers? I fiddled with the code some, but couldn't get it to work.
  • Ok, sorted it mostly. Thanks!
  • Hi, I have pretty much tweaked a style to my needs, but I was wondering if it is possible to have a bibliography citation with last name, first or second initial. So for example:

    Metzger, B.M., (1975) A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament [corrected edn], London / New York, NY.
    Barnes, T.D. (1975) ‘The Composition of Eusebius’s Onomasticon,’ JTS 26, 412-15.
    Similarly, is there a way to place a comma before the date before the year like the example above? I have made changes to a CSL style and have almost everything, right, it's just these two modifications I need.
  • the initials are set using the "initialize-with" option on names-->name
    The commas could either be set as a group delimiter or a suffix to the author macro.
  • I too need to be able to have author date as a footnote rather than in text. This is to enable me to keep within my PhD word limit

    I am absolutely NOT tech savvy but having read previous posts on this thread bravely opened the csl editor and tried altering style xmlns=#"xml.lang= "en' class="in-text" and replaced the last bit with class="note'. As soon as I did that the drop down menu went blank rather than remaining on Chicago author date.

    I am also not sure how to save any changes I do successfully make and ensure they become implemented. Can someone help?....and in computing for dummies mode please. thanks
  • if you just need a basic author date style in footnotes, use Word Politics or International Organization -- that's going to be much quicker than for you to manually edit (although what you started doing is exactly right and you'd expect the drop down to go blank - after all it's not Chicago Manual any more).
  • Just jumping into the thread here because I'm in search of a variation of what previous folks were looking for.

    If I'm starting with "International Organization," how can I edit it so as to:

    1) Have quotation marks within the citation show up as double ("), not single (').

    2) Have a colon follow the author-date reference ("Johnson 1999: 242" rather than "Johnson 1999, 242").

  • 1) change the default locale to en-US from en-GB
    2) change <text macro="point-locators-subsequent" prefix=", "/> to <text macro="point-locators-subsequent" prefix=": "/>

    (much quicker to do this in a text version of the style than to walk you through those changes in the visual editor. Note even sure 1) is possible there).
  • Thanks!

    Re: 1), where do I go to change the default locale? I just hunted through all the Settings tabs in Zotero but couldn't find anything.

    Re: 2), which text in the style script is replacing, and how do I access the text to edit it?
  • oh sorry, I assumed you knew how to edit styles since you asked how to edit a specific one. Here are general instructions:
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