problem with saving references from Ovid INSPEC


Thanks for Zotero. It's cool. :)

I noticed you added Ovid support in beta 3. This is really handy -- I use Ovid a lot.

However, there is a bug, at least for the INSPEC database via Ovid.

When I click on the icon in the address bar, it saves the reference into Zotero. However, most of the information appears in the publication field.

The article title and author are scraped correctly, but the journal title, volume, page number, date and publisher all end up in the publication field.

This is not a huge problem right now, because I am mainly using Zotero to gather, annotate and search references. However, it might cause problems later if I want to do nice formatted citations.

Thanks for listening.

  • I'll second this fix request. I like to use Ovid INSPEC whenever possible, because, unlike ISI Web of Science, it doesn't capitalise the names of all journals, some articles, and some authors ;-).
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