Problem with Word format of endnote citation in Zotero

I have set a particular style in my Word 2010 template (12pt font, hanging indent, 1.5 line spacing) and I have tried to set the same font (12pt Times Roman) in Zotero. But whenever I enter a new citation it comes out in 10pt font, Times Roman with a first line indent. I can correct it, but can I not do something to make Zotero get this right the first time?
I am running zotero 3.0.1 and firefox 10.0.1

thanks for any help you can offer.
  • Zotero inserts citations in the Word default templates: Default, Footnote, and Bibliography
  • I'm sorry but I don't follow: do I need to change the defaults in Word? I thought I was working within a template that defined endnotes in the style indicated. Zotero seems to override these preferences.
  • I'm pretty sure Zotero will put Endnotes in the default endnote style/template in Word, so yes, you'd need to change that.
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