Style requested : Geopolitics

I want to create the Style Geopolitics. I do not know very well the XML programation langage. Is anybody have ever work on that style and could help me ?
Here's a description of the style (quoted from the instruction to autor journal)

" Notes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively through the article with a numeral corresponding to the list of notes placed at the end. In this list, numbers should be followed by a full point, not a bracket. Harvard-style and bibliographical references are unacceptable. In notes, abbreviate Aug. to Feb.; Spell out March to July.

Books: Author's name as it appears on the book's title page, title underlined, with capitals for principle words, place of publication: publisher and date in parentheses, page reference:

1. J. Abun Nasr, A History of the Maghrib in the Islamic Period (Cambridge: CUP 1987) pp.214-17.

Articles: Author's name, title of article within single inverted commas with principle words capitalized, title of journal underlined, volume/issue number, year, place of publication if in a book, page reference:

2. A. Hodges, 'The Western Sahara File', Third World Quarterly 6/1 (Jan. 1984) p.78.

3. E.G.H. Joffe, 'The International Court of Justice and the Western Sahara Dispute', in R. Lawless and L. Monahan (eds.), War and Refugees: the Western Sahara Conflict (London: Pinter 1987) pp. 24-5.

Subsequent references: A reference to a single source in the previous note may be replaced by 'Ibid'; in later notes by author's surname, note number and page number(s); several titles by one author may be replaced with shortened forms:

4. Ibid, p. 26.

9. Joffe (note 3) p.16.

Or if other works by Joffe are cited:

10. Joffe, 'International Court of Justice' (note 3) p. 21."
  • This is very close to the MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) style.
  • I think that the British Journal of Political Science style ( is the more near of the Geopolitics Style
    Here'is a list of change
    Books reference : The title must be underline and not in italic.
    The first name should be abreviate.
    Review / Journal reference : The Journal title must be underline and not in italic. The month should appear whith the year
    That's the basic differences I see
  • Thanks for your quick answer. I've just revised the MRHA style. And the changes are pretty the same.
    Books : underlining the title
    Review/Journal : underlining the title.
    The first name, in both case, should appear only as a Initial.
  • They don't actually want underlining - check the journal, they use italics like everyone else. I can take a look at initials instead of first names soon.
  • Yes your right. I didn't notice this diference. Indeed I've check on one article published in 2011 and the title are not underlying.
    I think that there's only the initial first name problem that's still a pending issue
  • In case you want to take a stab yourself, start here:
    specifically, you want to include initialize-with=". " in the lines starting with <name>...
  • I've just download NotePad ++ .I'm going to try...
  • It's very difficult ...I've always got Error parsing style : syntax error
    If you can give me a hand;
    I think that the British Journal of Political Science is closer to the Geopolitics one (there's no DOI mention as in the MHAR)
  • edited February 3, 2012
    Don't worry. I'm actually a geographer who may at some point submit to geopolitics, so I'll do it. You'll just need you to test it and suggest improvements as I'm busy.
  • Thanks Bruce - I think I did a pretty decent job in coding BJPS, so that should be a good place to start.
  • OK, I added it to github, with the only change being to add the initialization code, and without me having tested it at all (aside from validating it).

    Note, however, I had to add the initialize-with attribute in about 20 places, which suggests to me these styles could use some rationalization?
  • Ok Thank you very much Bruce. If you do it I will be pleased to test it. Finally I think that the Modern Humanities Research Association (notes) style is closer.
    There is the initial problem.
    The DOI should not appear.
    There's also a problem when using the same bibliographic reference which will be pretty difficult I guess. Geopolitics ask there author in case of multiple references to the same book/review to put only the name and then the number of the first footnote and which this bibliographic reference first appears. In case of Subsequent references the mention Ibid should appear.
    Let me know if you can manage all that constraints...Otherwise I will do it manually at the end
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