WordPress 2.5 stripping COinS from drag 'n' drop exporting

I was immensely stoked to get the drag 'n' drop exporting into WP 2 months ago, including the COinS metadata. But it seems WP 2.5 is stripping out the COinS.

The exporting and formatting of the citations seems to be working fine. And it isn't purely the span tags as they are used for the formatting.

Any ideas on what is going on here? Having the COins embedded in my posts is critical to me.

I am not getting an error report generated in Zotero and I have refreshed both the Copy as HTML checkbox and my output style, along with a restart of FF and a full reboot. Using a Mac with 10.4 and current production versions of FF and Zotero.
  • edited April 8, 2008
    Zotero exports empty COinS spans. Some webapps and some web servers will remove empty spans. Try inserting   before the closing span tag.
  • Thanks, noksagt!

    But ... It only works if I drag 'n' drop into the so-called HTML editor and not the visual editor as it used to.

    I am assuming this has to do with changes to WP, of course.

    It does seem to have fixed things, although I am not ready to say that it has fully. It works from the post page, but if I click on the folder icon from the main page of my blog I get a "Could Not Save Item ... translator issue" response.


    Not getting the failure on Archive pages though, but then those were all done under the previous version or by hand as I used to have to do it.


    Is there some way I can modify the HTML export to put the non-breaking space in automatically because this is really a sad workaround for something which worked so elegantly just a few days ago?
  • It does seem to have fixed things, although I am not ready to say that it has fully. It works from the post page, but if I click on the folder icon from the main page of my blog I get a "Could Not Save Item ... translator issue" response.

    The only reason that page does not work is because of the entry, presumably generated by the WordPress plugin, for ASIS&T bound; with a purpose. This is because of the ampersand in the title.

    All in-post links seem fine, as you report.

    Others have complained that one bad entry causes ALL of the entries to be non-importable.
    Is there some way I can modify the HTML export to put the non-breaking space in automatically because this is really a sad workaround for something which worked so elegantly just a few days ago?
    I opened a ticket. You could potentially modify the exporter yourself, but I think this might be a general complaint.
  • Thank you so much! I imagine it will be a general complaint also.

    You folks rock!
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