"Could not save item" in Google Scholar

I don't see this problem recently in the forums, though it has shown up in past versions. When I click on the yellow folder in Google Scholar, I now (suddenly) get a "could not save item" error. When I change the preference in Scholar to Endnote rather than BibTex, and click on the Endnote link, it saves ok. The debug ID for an attempt to click the yellow folder is D1088363735. Firefox 9.0.1, zotero 3.0b3.r10732.
  • edited January 12, 2012
    This was already fixed. You should already have the latest translator version, but just to be sure click "Update Now" in the General pane of the Zotero prefs. Then reload the page.
  • Yep, that's good. Thanks.
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