Broken Korean characters

I just moved from EndNote to Zotero.
I tried to import RIS files from two different sources.
One is working well but the other is not.
I think it is caused by encoding setting.
EndNote has 4 options for selecting encoding such as EUC-8, ISO-2022-KR, JOHAB, and UHC including UTF-8.
Based on my test, UTF-8 does work but EUC-KR doesn't.
I think the database which showed problems in importing seems to export RIS file as EUC-KR format.
Is there any way to select encoding option in Zotero?
I want to upload RIS files which I imported but I could not find here.
  • Zotero doesn't know how to read EUC-KR. Can you convert the file to UTF-8 using some tool before import?
  • I tried a tool for converting between EUC-KR and UTF-8. It works well.
    I just downloaded the tool through internet but I don't know how it works. If you need any help, please let me know.
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