Import JSON from Google Reader Shared Items

Ever since Google Reader did its big Google+ integration, I've been using Zotero to share all the papers I read. However, all my old shares are still stuck in Google Reader. They give you the option to export them in JSON format. I was wondering if there was a way to import these shares into Zotero. Has anyone done this? Thanks!
  • Is it possible to get the shares in the form of browser bookmarks? It'd be pretty easy to add an importer for the Google Reader's JSON, but there's no reason to do so if we can leverage the existing browser bookmark importer.
  • Well I found this:

    I did it, and now have a bookmarks.htm file. I tried to import it into my Stand-Alone Zotero though, and it didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks.
  • "it didn't work" doesn't give us anything to go by.

    Also, ajlyon is currently traveling somewhere and he wrote that translator and is probably a better person to answer the question.
  • Sorry. It tells me "Unsupported format" when trying to Import "bookmarks.htm"

    Report ID: 1983508279


    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <DT>\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321519770" LAST_VISIT="1321519771" LAST_MODIFIED="1321519770">The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in the dimensional crossover between 1D and 3D lattices. (arXiv:1111.3870v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321464187" LAST_VISIT="1321464187" LAST_MODIFIED="1321464187">Variational Monte Carlo study of Anderson localization in the Hubbard model</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321374673" LAST_VISIT="1321374673" LAST_MODIFIED="1321374673">An ab initio molecular dynamics study of iron phases at high pressure and temperature</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321374575" LAST_VISIT="1321374575" LAST_MODIFIED="1321374575">Equation of state for partially ionized carbon and oxygen mixtures at high temperatures</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321299431" LAST_VISIT="1321299432" LAST_MODIFIED="1321299431">Proof found for unifying quantum principle</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321289070" LAST_VISIT="1321289071" LAST_MODIFIED="1321289070">Prospects for release-node quantum Monte Carlo</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321289022" LAST_VISIT="1321289023" LAST_MODIFIED="1321289022">Nature and Properties of a Repulsive Fermi Gas in the Upper Branch of the Energy Spectrum</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321287244" LAST_VISIT="1321287244" LAST_MODIFIED="1321287244">Cray Inc. replacing IBM to build UI supercomputer</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321240460" LAST_VISIT="1321240460" LAST_MODIFIED="1321240460">Fractionalization of holographic Fermi surfaces. (arXiv:1111.2606v1 [hep-th])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321240366" LAST_VISIT="1321240366" LAST_MODIFIED="1321240366">Real-Space Entanglement Spectrum of Quantum Hall States. (arXiv:1111.2810v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1321240362" LAST_VISIT="1321240362" LAST_MODIFIED="1321240362">Real-Space Entanglement Spectrum of Quantum Hall Systems. (arXiv:1111.2811v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320982147" LAST_VISIT="1320982148" LAST_MODIFIED="1320982147">Quasi-particle Statistics and Braiding from Ground State Entanglement. (arXiv:1111.2342v1 [cond-mat.str-el])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320961661" LAST_VISIT="1320961662" LAST_MODIFIED="1320961661">Electron Temperature Scaling in Laser Interaction with Solids</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320905128" LAST_VISIT="1320905128" LAST_MODIFIED="1320905128">Bose-Einstein Condensation in liquid $^4$He near the liquid-solid transition line. (arXiv:1111.2284v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320791870" LAST_VISIT="1320791870" LAST_MODIFIED="1320791870">Noise, Sign Problems, and Statistics</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320683048" LAST_VISIT="1320683049" LAST_MODIFIED="1320683048">Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate Under Rotation</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320683029" LAST_VISIT="1320683030" LAST_MODIFIED="1320683029">Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Nickelate Superlattices</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320638823" LAST_VISIT="1320638824" LAST_MODIFIED="1320638823">Holographic Fermi Surfaces and Entanglement Entropy. (arXiv:1111.1023v1 [hep-th])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320614950" LAST_VISIT="1320614950" LAST_MODIFIED="1320614950">Finite-temperature density-functional theory of Bose-Einstein condensates</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320597232" LAST_VISIT="1320597232" LAST_MODIFIED="1320597232">Resistivity saturation in a weakly interacting 2D Fermi liquid at intermediate temperatures. (arXiv:1111.0011v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320597224" LAST_VISIT="1320597225" LAST_MODIFIED="1320597224">Theory of the reentrant quantum rotational phase transition in high-pressure HD</A>\n\t<A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1320597036" LAST_VISIT="1320597036" LAST_MODIFIED="1320597036">Ab initio properties of Li-group-II molecules for ultracold matter studies</A>\n</DL>
  • Any thoughts on this?
  • Sorry to have missed the original post. It looks like the conversion to bookmarks has an error-- you have a literal \t and \n in that, which doesn't make sense and violates the format. You can just remove them and it should import fine. Even better, replace them with tabs and newlines respectively. My guess is that something is amiss in your JSON-to-browser-bookmarks migration script.
  • Ok, got the formatting correct, but now I'm getting this:

    [JavaScript Error: "no element found" {file: "moz-nullprincipal:{ec8eed33-8565-4382-ab94-caa26ba1e72a}" line: 113}]

    [JavaScript Error: "no element found" {file: "moz-nullprincipal:{ec8eed33-8565-4382-ab94-caa26ba1e72a}" line: 113}]

    Report ID: 2134190407
  • That doesn't look like a Zotero error. Does an error message pop up, or is that just from "Report errors"?
  • It's from "Report Errors". I checked the line number it gives is just the last line in the file bookmarks.htm
  • Post the converted bookmarks file, or part of it, to and post the link here. I'll take a look.
  • Odd. Turns out to be a JavaScript issue with the MAX_DETECT_LINES constant. I'll push out a fix ASAP.
  • Try updating translators from the Zotero preferences, and it should work.
  • Great, now it works. Thanks a lot!
  • Here's a tweaked version of the original php script which uses correct quoting so \n and \r are output correctly, & in URLs are rewritten to &amp;, and DT tags are now correct.

    I still had some issues with a couple entries having the link description being split between lines, as well as blank URLs but I just manually clean those up.
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