Local backup of Zotero files
Testing the ZSA3.0b2.1. I want to backup the data files. I've located them locally and they appear to all be in a folder named storage. I back those up locally. In addition to the storage folder, what other files/folders (prefs?) should I backup just in case I need to restore? I'm getting upwards of 200 documents and want to insure I have a local backup while I'm learning the app while transferring documents out of Endnote. I've discovered the only way to setup the Zotero to match what I need for my genealogy documentation requires adding a uniqueID from Endnote into the Rights field, and it seems to be working OK as rights field is displayable in the center column. I prefer the Zotero ability for adding documents but have to use the link to stored copy. The easiest way to do this appears to be a copy formatted of about 20-50 records in Endnote and then import clipboard into Zotero, and then edit them. Its slow going but the result will be clean and the notes/attachments will be edited to take advantage of the Zotero features.
Thanks for all your help. I love the program and am still learning it and your support network is terrific.
You indeed want to copy the whole folder.