Corrections to Fish and Fisheries style


I have found two formatting errors in the Fish and Fisheries style. According to their documentation, the journal volume number should not be bold and author names should have a comma between the surname and the initials.

The latest F&F reference style guide is available here, where the relevant example is:

Author, A.B. and Author, C.D. (1999) Title of article. Full Journal Title in Italics 00, 000-000. [In Japanese.]

The changes necessary to the fish-and-fisheries.csl file (last updated 2011-09-28T19:01:05+00:00) are:

Line 55, remove the text sort-separator=" "
Line 216, remove the text font-weight="bold"

Can someone make these changes? The overhead of learning how to use git, etc, seems a bit much to just make two small changes:)


  • will do, should get to it over the weekend, thanks for spotting this.
  • Hi

    One other formatting fix. Citations should not have et al. in italics. Fix is to remove font-style="italic" from line 67.


  • you're correct on the sort separator (although rather than delete it I added a comma in there), but if you check actual journal articles, et al is in fact in italics and issue numbers are in bold
    change will show up soon, thanks for pointing it out.
  • Good point. I suppose I was naive to do what they say instead of what they do:)

    We've just submitted something to them following their style guide, so it will be interesting to see what they say.
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