Import from Jabref with pdf attachments


I have found numerous slightly related posts, have tried a number of solutions and nothing is working.

I have a large number of references currently in Jabref. I can import them to zotero a number of ways (including but I cannot get the pdf attachments to import.

My .txt import file includes the pdf line as

pdf = { E:\Folder\Filename.pdf },

so the full address is there... but it won't import.

I have seen a number of patches but I have no idea what to do with them (.diff files etc) so all suggestions very welcome but with basic instructions please...

Many thanks,
  • You should not have to apply any patches and should not be using that export filter in JabRef. The current stock version of the BibTeX translator in Zotero recognizes this scheme of specifying PDFs (though it is not the method used by current versions of JabRef). Try to import the stock BibTeX produced by JabRef. If it fails, post an example of one full record here & describe how it fails.
  • Thanks noksagt

    I used Save as to create a bibtex file in Jabref. Zotero successfully imported the file and I have my refs but no pdfs file links.

    It looks as though Bibtex doesn't have the full file path:

    author = {Thomas Abel and John Richard Stepp},
    title = {A New Ecosystems Ecology for Anthropology},
    journal = {Ecology and Society},
    year = {2003},
    volume = {7},
    pages = {Art. 12},
    number = {3},
    file = {:Abel2003.pdf:PDF},
    owner = {croxallem},
    timestamp = {2010.04.21},
    url = {}

    Is there a way of getting the full file path in the Bibtex file? and if not why didn't the zotero.layout export work? is there a way of tweaking that?

    All advice gratefully received.

  • any news?
    the problem can be easily seen by making an export from zotero to bibtex, and then import from bibtex to zotero (w/o jabref). => the pdf is lost.
  • Nope, I had no luck. I found a plug-in to enable Jabref referencing in Microsoft Word and have stuck with that instead of moving to zotero.
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