Master document in Open Office and references

I am trying to finish a thesis written in Open Office / Libre Office. I have several chapters collected in a master document and I would like to have alle the references from the chapters in my master document (or preferably a separate file). I have read that som others have accomplished that, but I can´t get it to work.
I get an error message wherever I try to put the references:
An error occurred communication with Zotero: String out of range: -2 at java.lang.String.substring(

Ii don´t have any problems when I use Zotero outside the master document.
Any help would be appreciated

  • Where did you read about people using a Master document successfully? To the best of my knowledge this doesn't work.
  • I read somewhere in this forum years ago where someone claimed to have made this work.
  • edited October 29, 2011
    Master document features were invented ages ago, when computers were much less powerful, and had much less RAM. Just combine the documents into one (when you're ready).
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