Can't seem to create web site items in 3.0b2
The 'page' button, which added a new 'web page item' to the library seems to have disappeared.. I looked around, searched the forums, nothing... Am I missing something or is it no longer possible to create web page items?
(I can attach a snapshot to some other item, but not an un-attached web page item)
(I can attach a snapshot to some other item, but not an un-attached web page item)
Right-click on a web page (control-click on a Mac) and select "Save Zotero Snapshot from Current Page". This may be replaced by a button in a future version.
I think others may fail to find the right-click, as I did - other zotero items are (only) created either via address bar buttons or the 'new item' dropdown. Ideally, it would be good if there were common, naively findable methods for creating itmes, irrespective of type..
Some suggestions:
Add a 'create web page item' in the 'new items' dropdown
. perhaps two: one for 'from current page' greyed in the standalone
. or perhaps the standalone could prompt for a url, the 'in browser' the current page?
. some context help mentioning the right-click method might be good here
Add a 'create citation ref. item' in the dropdown
. maybe not necessary, but gives UI consistency
. there's probably good reason not to clutter the right-click menu!
I'm not sure I like the idea of a 'create snapshot' button in the address bar. I find it useful to know if there is a translator for a page (though a distinctive icon would still achieve this), and I like it that zotero does not invade my address bar for most of my web browsing..
. if such a button were introduced, I'd like to be able to turn it off..
Thanks again Dan for a quick informative response! You've now saved me on several occations :)
oh.. I use 3.0b2 in firefox as well as a standalone, so 'from current page' does make sense.