Series Abbreviation
With the bibliographic info on a journal article, Zotero offers the opportunity to enter the Journal Abbreviation.
Is there a similar thing for the abbreviations of Series in which a book is published?
If not, this would be a useful field to add to the bibliographic possibilities in that right hand column.
Thanks for this program!
Is there a similar thing for the abbreviations of Series in which a book is published?
If not, this would be a useful field to add to the bibliographic possibilities in that right hand column.
Thanks for this program!
For a short-term solution, you might consider building a find-and-replace helper macro to run in the word processor at the last stage of document preparation. That would separate the problem from Zotero, and would actually provide a more robust solution for you than an additional field; you wouldn't be caught out by variations in the abbreviations entered on individual items scattered through your database.
I believe that currently you'd have to run the 3.0 trunk for that to work, which isn't really recommended. With the next update of the beta version this will work in the beta, which is quite stable - the gadget, as I understand, is still rather experimental, though.
More soon!
Apart from that, it seems to work. To install the plugin, I followed these steps:
(1) Assured that Standalone was the only Zotero running on the machine (i.e. I closed my Firefox that also has Zotero installed).
(2) Saved the Abbreviation Filter plugin file to my desktop.
(3) Opened Standalone, and clicked on the "Tools" menu, the selected "Add-ons" to open the Add-ons Manager.
(4) In the Add-ons Manager, I clicked on the wrench icon in the upper-right corner, and selected "Install Add-on from File".
(5) In the filepicker that popped up, I navigated to the Abbreviation Filter file on my desktop, selected it, and accepted the selection in the filepicker.
(6) Standalone offered to restart, so I accepted.
(7) On restart, the Abbreviation Filter progress bar comes up. (It stalled the first time, but I think that may have been because I had a Firefox instance with Zotero running open, which would have confused things - it worked when I closed that, closed Standalone, and then restarted the latter).
(8) Installing the abbreviation lists takes a couple of minutes. When the progress bar completes, it disappears, and you're ready to go.
In the word processor, the plugin is accessible both from the normal Quick Format citation widget, and from the Classic View widget, via a button that says "Abbrevs." Abbreviations entered through the Abbrevs. popup take effect in citations.
At which step do you find things don't work for you?
<text variable="collection-title" form="short"/>
If you add form="short" in the collection-title macro of the style, you should get the abbreviation in the appropriate list. If you enter an abbreviation, it should render in the cite.
(Adding the form="short" attribute to a text node will not invalidate the style.)
Sorry again for my ignorance .. :/
To start, I can make the small change to the SBL style that is required, and submit it to the Zotero style repository. If it is accepted, you can reinstall the style, and we can take it from there.
(1) Download the test version of the SBL style to your desktop.
(2) Drag the file into Zotero to install it.
(3) Install the Abbreviation Filter for Zotero plugin.
(4) Insert a reference with a series title into a test document.
(5) Open the reference (in the document, using Zotero) for editing. You should find an "Abbrevs." button.
(6) Click on the the button to open the abbreviations popup.
(7) Click on the list selector (the button that runs across the entire popup window), and select the list for series titles.
(8) Enter the series title abbreviation.
The plugin should remember the series title abbreviation whenever it occurs in a document using that style.
Let us know how it goes. If this works for you, the change can be added to the official Zotero SBL style.
It will work with any publication; we can look into the failure with the "Anthropological Papers" item once we have the larger crash issue sorted out.
On the crash you've experienced, I see the cause, and I'm able to reproduce it here - it has to do with a small difference in the way Zotero and MLZ generate internal keys for certain items. Hold on for a bit - I should have a fix ready soon.
(Once we've confirmed that the crash issue is behind us, let's turn to the "Anthropological Papers" item.)
(Edit: the bug that triggered the crash was not related to the format of internal keys, but was caused by the plugin attempting to run code that is not available in official Zotero - sorry for that oversight. More specifically, there is at least one item in your main document that no longer exists in your library, and the plugin was stumbling when attempting to handle it.)