Series Abbreviation

  • If the document runs without error, then the "Anthropological Papers" failure is likely just a trivial problem with data entry or hand-edited (and therefore) static citation text.
  • edited November 2, 2014
    (Sorry, we crossed in the post.)
    Sorry I meant could that be a REFERENCE / item that was edited (manually) and does no longer sync with Zotero? Referring to your remark "there is at least one item in your main document that no longer exists in your library"
    What I meant by that particular comment was that at least one reference cited in the main document has been deleted from your library, and is no longer available; for that reference (or those references) Zotero is formatting the cite based on citation data embedded in the document itself. You don't need to worry about it; I was just explaining that the plugin was crashing under those circumstances.

    If a citation has been hand edited, and is no longer updated by Zotero (we would say "updating" in that case, rather than "syncing"), then indeed the Abbreviation Filter will have no effect for that citation; it will not change in the document until the manual changes are overridden by opening the citation for (Zotero) editing and re-enabling automatic updates to that citation.
  • So to renew the question (sorry to be so persistent): Have you updated the plugin, and checked that it runs without error against your main document?
  • There was one additional bug report against the revised plugin, from two other users. A fix has been applied there as well, and both report success.

    Unless I hear otherwise, I'll treat this bug report as fixed.
  • I need to use the Turabian 8th edition (full note). Would you mind letting me know what changes are required to that style in order for the plugin to work?

    If the style might be updated for wider download that'd be great too, though it makes me wonder—if this is a common change that needs to occur to the various styles, why does it require it be made inline to the style and not separately... indeed, why not by default support certain defaults which can be overridden but which would mean every style would work?
  • edited February 28, 2015
    Would you mind letting me know what changes are required to that style in order for the plugin to work?
    If the Abbreviation Filter is installed, it will kick in when the collection-title variable is rendered with form="short":
    <text variable="collection-title" form="short"/>
    If you find the place where that happens in the style (at about line 330) and add the form="short" attribute, the plugin will pick up the field and put it in the abbreviation list.

    Note that if you want the series abbreviation only in footnotes, and not in the bibliography, you will need to copy and rename that macro, and make an adjustment in either the citation or the bibliography section.
    Why not by default support certain defaults which can be overridden?
    Mostly because it would lead us into chaos and confusion. :-)
  • Thanks—so to limit this to footnotes only (just to confirm), if I have the following macros:
    <macro name="collection-title">
    <text variable="collection-title" form=“short”/>
    <text variable="collection-number" prefix=" "/>
    <macro name="collection-title-full“>
    <text variable="collection-title"/>
    <text variable="collection-number" prefix=" "/>

    and then within the citation section there'll be:
    <text macro="collection-title" prefix=", "/>

    and within the bibliographic section:
    <text macro="collection-title-full” prefix=". "/>


    Secondly, is it possible to then generate for a paper which abbreviations have been used, in order to provide another section (e.g., above the bibliography) that details the definitions for the abbreviations used?

  • Yep, that all looks right.

    On exporting a list of abbreviations used in the document, that's a good idea. It's not currently possible, but I'll look into it. For a start, at least, we'll aim for just a primitive list that you can paste into the word processor for manual formatting.
  • That'd be great. Keep me posted :-) Thanks.
  • If you don't hear in a week or so, post a ping. I'd like to set this up, but other things press at the moment.
  • edited February 28, 2015
    Hmm, I'm getting an unpopulated abbreviations dialog box as described by others previously. What might I be missing?

    To clarify, I'm using standalone on Mac + LibreOffice.
    Abbreviations for zotero 1.0.200
  • So creating a new document, I enter some dummy text, go to add a footnote, select my updated style (with custom id). I press the abbrevs button and all I get is... nothing.

    - Style (label with empty space beneath it)
    - Suppress Jurisdiction Names with a textbox beneath to add a Jurisdiction (assumed irrelevant for me as I'm not doing a law paper)
    - Lists with an empty button beneath it which stretches across the screen.
    - Import from defaults: with "select a resource" dropdown that does nothing.
    - Radio buttons [fill gaps (selected), override local entries, replace local list]
    - Import / Export buttons that do nothing + Cancel button

    I tried adding "Foobar" for the Series for a particular library item, restarted apps and recreated the test doc, inserted the footnote, then tried to open the abbrev. list again—still nothing. So not sure what I'm missing?

    Also, does this only work for entries with a series title, or does it work generally for Library items with a long title? e.g., the below linked lexicon (Full title: "The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament") is commonly referred to by the abbreviation HALOT. But in the bibliography I'd need the full title—and similarly for other such resources.

    So, would you mind also confirming if the previous customisation we'd talked about will achieve this?

  • It was just broken in the integration popups (sorry about that). If you update to 1.0.201, it should work now.

    You should be able to use form="short" on any ordinary field to get an entry in one of the lists.

    I'm not sure about the customization you mention. If the (now running) plugin doesn't cover it, please post back with a few more details to jog my memory.
  • edited February 28, 2015
    (In the CSL editor ("Open Style Editor" from Preferences -> Advanced), you will also get an Abbrevs. popup button, but the popup there is broken, in the same way as the word processor integration plugin popup was (until a few minutes ago). There is a request on file with the Zotero developers for a small change that will make it work in the editor as well, which is convenient for some things.)
  • ok, thanks—now I get items to choose from. After entering one item into a test doc, I then open the abbrev. list, choose 'title' from the lists dropdown and clicking on the item listed reveals a textfield where I typed in the abbreviation

    But I'm not seeing any change in the document after closing the dialog. Am I missing something simple?

  • In that style, it appears to add journal names to the list, even though it is not rendered as form="short" anywhere. That's misleading, and should be fixed at some point; but with the style modified to set form="short" on the series name, it should abbreviate that in footnotes (it does here), and set the full form in the bibliography.

    If it's not quite working that way, try to work out the exact steps needed to reproduce the failure. If I can reproduce an error here, I can fix it.
  • Backing up a minute: the usual case for my references will be for references where the 'title' rather than the 'series' needs abbreviating.

    I'm assuming that would require updating the title-note macro with form="short" similar to the collection-title macro, but what would then distinguish this from a subsequent reference for those footnotes that do not have an abbreviation?
  • Maybe it's possible to test for a tag? e.g., <if variable="tags" match="abbreviateme">...</if>
  • Okay, got it. You are wanting a means of abbreviating some terms in a title via the plugin, which is independent of the Short Title form.

    That's what we need for legal referencing, and in MLZ, that is the way legal materials (only) work. I was pressed by the CSL developers not to go that route with ordinary resources, because it would cause confusion.

    It would be possible to do this, with (yet another) processor patch plugin. It would take me awhile to work up the time for that, but it's possible. What sort of time-frame?
  • Actually if there was a means of checking whether the library item was tagged with a particular tag I could use that condition to utilise the short title without the author.

    Does that option already exist?

    Then for producing an abbreviations list (and in order to make the feature generally useful) if there was a button for inserting one of the custom sections from the csl, driven perhaps by tagged items that appear in the document?

    e.g., csl might have this:
    <custom name="abbreviations" tags="abbreviated ..." hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7" entry-spacing="1" ...>
    <layout suffix=".">

    In terms of a time-frame, all this is really nice-to-have given the price :-) I have four more assessments this semester that would make use of it. One due Friday week (which is obviously too soon given you've other priorities), and then in April and May. And if it's already possible to make use of library tags in the csl that would help me for now.

    Thanks again!
  • Ah, I see 'keyword' ( can be used to look up tags or keywords attached to the item.
    Cool, that'll help with citations.

    The only question remaining then would be producing the extra section (listing abbreviations and their definitions). Is it already possible to do this
  • Hmm, if I understand the specs rightly, I can only search for whether the library item has keywords, rather than testing for a match with a specific one. Is that right?
  • you can't check for tags at all. CSL doesn't have a syntax for checking the context of free-text variables (and likely won't get one) and Zotero doesn't even map its tags to CSL's keywords. sorry.
  • Thanks Adam. Actually, thinking about it, in the absence of abbreviations, there seems to be a simple solution to all this.

    If the item has a short title, I can look to include a "(Hereafter cited as ...)" as per
  • Out of interest, would such a change be worthwhile adding to the main Turabian 8th edition (full note) csl?

    It's a pretty simple change.
    $ diff turabian-fullnote-bibliography.csl turabian-fullnote-bibliography-hereafters.csl
    > <macro name="hereafter-note">
    > <choose>
    > <if variable="title">
    > <choose>
    > <if variable="title-short">
    > <text macro="hereafter-reference" prefix="(Hereafter cited as " suffix=")"/>
    > </if>
    > </choose>
    > </if>
    > </choose>
    > </macro>
    > <macro name="hereafter-reference">
    > <group delimiter=", ">
    > <text macro="contributors-short"/>
    > <text macro="title-short"/>
    > </group>
    > </macro>
    < <text macro="contributors-short"/>
    < <text macro="title-short"/>
    > <text macro="hereafter-reference"/>
    > <text macro="hereafter-note" prefix=" "/>
  • thanks, but I think that'd cause more confusion than it'd help, especially since "hereafter" isn't universally used in Turabian.
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