Auto-Update error (SA 2.1 to 3.0)

Zotero 3.0 SA is functioning now, but here was my SA update experience:

I was using SA 2.1 (Mac 10.6) and an auto-update window alerted me to 3.0. After a database backup, I clicked the upgrade button, and restarted Zotero. But then I got an error window

"Alert: Your Zotero Standalone installation appears to be corrupted due to a failed auto-update. While ..."

The Z window then appeared and looked OK, but soon thereafter another error:

"Zotero Connector Error: Zotero Standalone 3.0b1 requires Connector 2.999.1 or ... "

I installed Chrome connector 2.999.1
Then restarted Z but got original error
Downloaded Z SA 3.0 on top of corrupted version

It seems fine now, but I thought I would share my experience.
  • edited August 23, 2011
    This is by design. There is a bug in the updater that made updating the old Zotero Standalone alpha builds properly impossible. We've fixed this in the beta, but updating from alpha to beta on OS X requires a manual re-download.
  • Aha! The old bug/feature duality. Sounds good.

    No other problems so far. Thanks!
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